ABOUT HOT LEATHER 2: Hot Leather 2 is not a full featured "find it, kill it" game. If that is what you want, there are many other choices... BUT NONE OF THEM HAVE HARD CORE SEX ACTIVITY!!! Like Glowing Icon's previous "Hot Leather #1", this CD-ROM contains a total of 8 XXX-Rated movies. The castle has 3 levels (Hot Leather #1 has only one level), and a locked bonus level. If you find all 7 movies, you then gain access into the vault for the final scene. Level 1 has 2 movies, Level 2 has 3 movies, and Level 3 has 2 movies to find. To view a movie, YOU MUST score hit points and earn at least one GREEN DOMINANCE point. Find and punch out the guardian demons, by mouse clicking aggressively on them and you will DOMINATE. Each movie has 4 still shots surrounding it. These are "Hop and Pop Shots." Click on them and you jump to that point in the video clip. It's like, Non-Linear Video, dude! There is no "save game" mode. Go ahead, be a fighter, beat up a few bad guys, then relax and be a lover! If you completely object to fighting the demons, then continue to the next page and select the "Just Show Me The Movies" button. You're an instant winner! Good luck!